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Old 12-03-2015, 10:04 AM   #16
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Default Re: I'm a student in the FTT - AMA

Originally Posted by aron View Post
But the word "one" in Biblical context doesn't necessitate a numerical understanding, but rather perhaps a functional perspective. Jesus said, "You shall be one, even as I am one with the Father", and this presented a common theme in the Bible, that of agency. A rich person has agents working for them, who are one with his or her wishes, desires, plans. They go forth, and work, and report back to the Boss. As such, they are one. There are many, but they are all one.
What I am getting to, is that we can view the idea of being "one" as not a numerical quantity, but rather a quality, a state of being. God is the "God of hosts" but God is one. There are many angels, and many "ministering spirits" (Heb 1:14), but one Spirit (Eph 4:4).

Conversely, Satan presides over a kingdom divided. Its very state is bedlam. Jesus asked, "Who are you", and the demons answered "We are many". They can't be one, they'll never be one. Only God is one. Therefore I don't see seven spirits burning before the throne of God as violating anything, credal or otherwise. There is still one Spirit. There is one Lord, one God and Father over all, etc.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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