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Why is the church in Moses Lake a "rebel church", while WN could form an independent church? And Martin Luther, for that matter? Why wasn't WN's church a "rebel church" also? Why wasn't Luther's church a "rebel church"?
If the Lamb went and took the scroll from Him who sat on the throne in Revelation 5:7, how is the Lamb the Father? How can the Lamb take the scroll from Himself? For that matter, how can the Lamb sit at His own right hand? (Psa 110:1, Matt 22:44)
If LSM puts out a magazine called "Affirmation and Critique", why can't LC members also critique WL's writings, as well as affirm them? Why are they told not to be "negative", but encouraged to be negative against everyone and everything else (I.e. "Christianity" and "the world")?
Why is Affirmation and Critique not a name, also? Or Defense and Confirmation Project? Or Bibles for America? Those are names? Or even "the Thursday night prayer meeting at Sister Smith's house" - that is a name, is it not?
If you think I'm playing games with words, I'm not; in fact it's LC members who are playing with words. They do what everybody else does, which is give things names. LC members are called "saints", while everyone else is not? Unaffiliated Christian groups are called "free groups" and are condemned, while affiliated Christian groups are called "denominations" and are condemned also? It's like WL created a fantasy world where nobody is right, and nobody can possibly be right. How can anyone have fellowship in such an atmosphere, heavy with condemnation and judgment? A place where words mean whatever you want them to mean, only to mean something else when the need changes?
As you can see, I'm a prickly sort. Please forgive me. Obviously I didn't make it very far in the LC system. I just couldn't get out of my mind, sufficiently.
For that matter, why did WL think, and reason, while everyone else was deemed hopelessly deficient and simply recited verbatim what the Seer of the Age (WL, naturally) was thinking? Doesn't this seem like we're being respecters of persons, here? One special person gets a special rule, while the great unwashed masses get another rule?
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'