Re: Time Frame in the LSM/LC
Dear Julie
My heart turned over as I read your post from so long ago. My daughter, Linda, whom you knew had the exact same high school experience with pants. She often moaned that I'm the only girl who wears only dresses. Now I wish that were the worst part of our experience. Not so. The first five to eight years were so good. How could it turn out so bad? It seems so mean to admit we were taken in by a confidence scheme, but we were. Then if you admitted it you would be tarred and feathered.
The experience of Jacob before pharaoh, "the God who shepherded me all my life", we have to hold to such an experience. What is or was the end of Lee, Née, Darby, blendeds, etc, cannot be our worry. Our trust must be in the Lord which is so much easier to say than to experience.