"However, theologically speaking, the Adventist pioneers made some very bold claims that according to Scripture must be tested for their compatibility with biblical faith (Galatians 1:69; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:14; Jude 3). These early Adventists proclaimed to be a special people, with a special message, for a special time! They also declared themselves to be the remnant church that uniquely kept the commandments of God. In addition, they asserted that God was providing unique guidance to the early Adventists through the prophetic voice of Ellen G. White."
I was reading about how the Seventh Day Adventists made a reform and became part of historic orthodoxy and found the above. Does any of the above sound like WL's LC?
It all is strikingly similar to the LC. The whole "remnant" mindset is quite addictive. When people are convinced that they are special, they default to that mindset, even when they know it's wrong. What really helped me to see past the LC is to understand that there are other groups who see themselves to be the exact same thing that those in the LC perceive themselves to be.
Most non-LC Christians I know live their lives in a manner such that they fear God and do their best to bring glory to God. They don't claim to be perfect, nor do they claim to be anything special. They are only trying to live a
normal Christian life. It's so far removed from the LC paradigm that it should put most LC members to shame. Those in the LC are so prideful that it disgusts me. If only they could see the humility of other Christians.