Originally Posted by aron
And initially they pretend to be "just Christians".
That was my would-be wife's answer many years ago when I asked her about her church. At our first conversation about her faith, she never mentioned the Local Church or Witness Lee. She just said, "We are just Christians". That time, it sounded safe and calming. But it must be an alert.
Originally Posted by aron
When I look at the EL, I just see the LC on steroids.
For me, one of the most weird things in the LC was to see a huge number of people in a state of exaltation. I was the only white guy in their Chinese community. First, I took their exaltation for an aberration, then for a local and national peculiarity, and later - for a norm. I started to think that shouting was their way to "touch the Spirit". (Now I believe it's a path to spiritual delusion).
I am sure those brothers and sisters were mentally healthy in their daily life but at the meetings and conferences they did not look spiritually sober. And maybe, if the state of exaltation lasts long and repeats often, it can cause not only spiritual sickness but also some kind of mental disorder.