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Old 10-09-2015, 04:25 PM   #450
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
LC leaders vehemently deny any connection whatsoever to the EL. The excerpt below describes a EL leader declaring that WL is considered the "forerunner" to their "female Christ":
The EL gives a window to the LC thought and methodology that we might not otherwise see, because they do copy LC tactics; the difference is the extreme level to which they take it. By going to the extreme, the LC "camouflage" is stripped away, and it can be seen in rawest form.

First, they establish a connection with the prospective member, and find areas of common agreement. "God loves us and sent His Son." "Believe God's command and be saved." And initially they pretend to be "just Christians". At this stage it's all about consensus, commonality, and comfort. "We're just like you. Let's all go on together."

From this base of agreement, they attempt to convince the prospective member that this bunch of humble nobodies is actually a Special Group under a Special Leadership with the Special Truth of the present age. Everyone and everything else is wrong, but us. The recruit is then isolated from other possible influences, (everything else being poisonous) and bombarded with stimulus, and social pressure, and are put in a situation where it's (hopefully) easier for them to go along with the group, than to resist it. They bring the new one to a crisis point, or several of them. They are told that they have to give up something, to get something. Eventually the recruit is required to renounce their identity apart from the group.

The levers of coercion and control continue to work... next the new member needs to share in God's present move on earth, and bear fruit, in order to be rewarded by God. "You don't want to go into outer darkness, do you? You do want to be an overcomer, right?"

When I look at the EL, I just see the LC on steroids. They have God's special messenger, God's speaking, God's blessing, etc. Outside the group is held to be nothing but darkness. Only within the group is the true light of God.

The whole operation is about recruiting new members, assimilating them, extracting emotional and financial commitments, and getting them to recruit others. You can see tight operational control, secrecy, isolation, and circular reasoning with loaded language. The dialog is: don't question, don't think, don't be negative. Just go with the "flow from the throne"... If you want to be right with God, you have to be "one" with the group. Etc. Isolation and control - like the prophet said, there's nothing new under the sun.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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