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Old 10-07-2015, 02:21 AM   #434
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
While there was the Schism, it was a split from the beginning.
OBW, probably, you have more information, but I have never heard anything about the split from the beginning. Eastern Orthodox still read the Latin Fathers and venerate certain saints and even 68 bishops of Rome: St. Linus (+ c. 78), first pope, martyr and a disciple of the Apostle Paul. One of the Seventy Apostles, he is mentioned in 2 Timothy 4,21.; St. Clement of Rome (+ c. 101), martyr. One of the Seventy Apostles, mentioned in Philippians 4:3; St Ambrose of Milan (340–397); St Jerome (347–420); St Augustine (354–430); St Leo I the Great, Pope of Rome (440-461); St. Gregory I, 'the Great' (+ 604). Pope Gregory I condemned as 'antichrist' any bishop who claimed universal jurisdiction and supremacy; St Zacharias (+ 752), the last Orthodox saint in the see.

Thus, there could be no split from the beginning. From what I read from an Orthodox source, prior to 1054, the Eastern and Western halves of the Church had frequently been in conflict but still kept the union. Bishop Kallistos Ware writes, "But even after 1054 friendly relations between east and west continued. The two parts of Christendom were not yet conscious of a great gulf of separation between them, and people on both sides still hoped that the misunderstandings could be cleared up without too much difficulty. The dispute remained something of which ordinary Christians in east and west were largely unaware. It was the Crusades which made the schism definitive."
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
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