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Old 10-06-2015, 06:14 PM   #653
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Default Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us

Originally Posted by Dave View Post
As I see it, in several years Cahn will be off on his own private island (arriving on a private runway with his own private plane and entourage) sitting with friends and family sipping on his beverage of choice. He will continue to give interviews and send messages out to the faithful who will still believe what he has to say. These type of individuals have been around every generation taking advantage of gullible individuals willing to "buy" into their 'revelations". In time we'll find out if Cahn is for real and if he is giving everyone a "Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to us". Of course, it won't be in our lifetime.

In WWII 60 million people died or about 3% of the estimated population of the world. In today's world 3% of the estimated population would equal over 200 million people who would die to match WWII's deaths. That would still leave us with well over 6 billion people. What catastrophic event other than a large meteorite hitting the earth could doom the earth?

I would like to make a suggestion---rather than quoting the doom and gloom of Revelation and people like Cahn wouldn't it just be great if we tried our best as Christians to spread the message of Jesus which is peace and to improve the earth and the people who live on it and solve the problems we face today. I know, in the end everyone who qualifies will be living in a new heaven and a new earth and so this earth doesn't matter. Oh well, it was just a suggestion.
I heard a profound (to me) thing from my simple pastor in my simple community church. "When Jesus returns wouldn't it be better if he finds us "manning our post" helping the pour, healing the sick preaching and living the gospel, loving one another, serving one another, than Him finding us hiding in our underground bunker in Arkansas, surrounded by our gold, dried food, weapons and ammo stores?"
Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." (KJV Version)
Look to Jesus not The Ministry.
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