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Old 10-05-2015, 04:24 AM   #429
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I came to realize that despite all the icons they venerate, they are just as devout as any group, and even have a rich history that they are quite excited to share about.
Freedom, thank you for your kind words! As an Eastern Orthodox, I must admit that it's true that we venerate icons but there is a difference between veneration/reverence and worship. We pray in the presence of icons but we do not pray to the images. Icons are just images of the Lord and His faithful saints who pray for us and with us in His Church. Besides, icons remind us of heavenly realms and work as a trigger for prayer that helps to focus our attention.

Lately, I have found this article about Dura Europos Synagogue ~ 244 A.D: ‘Ancient Jewish synagogues were filled with icons. While Scripture required the inside of the Jerusalem Temple to display icons of angels, the icons in Jewish synagogues depicted numerous scenes from Scripture. Dura Europos Synagogue is one of the oldest synagogues in the world and it has extensive figurative wall-paintings. The Early Church emerged from Israel, and we inherited the Israelite’s ancient love for icons. Like the early Jewish synagogues, the catacombs and the most ancient Christian Churches were filled with holy icons’. The images look foreign for modern Americans but the Church was not founded in the US but in Palestine, 33AD.

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
When I was member immersed in the system, I would have been quick to criticize such groups. Now, I am happy to appreciate those who are different. There is no need to criticize, for I am no better. There is much value in having a mutual respect for other Christians.
The LC's exclusivism and constant criticism of Christianity made me leave the LRC. It was not even constructive criticism. They were rather statements and mere assertion. In the LC's conferences and meetings, they used to tell us how good it is to be in the Local Church and how blind those who are in denominations. "Denomination" itself was like a curse word. And the worst case was Roman Catholics. I used to hear such conversations in the LRC: "Is she Christian?" "No, she is Roman Catholic". I find it very sectarian to make such a division between “Us” and “Them”.

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Correction: He's not a member of the EO church, but receives the teachings from the Apostolic and Eastern Church Fathers.
I know it's a different topic but what I like about Orthodoxy is that since “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever”, the Church has no need to conform to the newest fads, philosophies, and doctrines. In Orthodoxy, the criterion of truth is not my bishop's, or my pastor's, or my personal understanding of the Bible, but the consensus of the Church Fathers. The Church Fathers don't have to all agree on every detail. Orthodox doctrine is determined by the consensus of the Holy Fathers - those points on which they do agree. As St. Vincent of Lerins says in his Commonitoria (434 AD), “ we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all.”

My wife is still very active in the LRC. But I'm glad she has enough wisdom, tolerance and love to stay with her husband who "has gone astray". As for me, I left WL and his teaching behind more than a year ago. And thank God, I still keep my wife.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
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