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Old 09-28-2015, 06:56 PM   #615
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Default Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Oops! Now you've got me worried. Me and my sarcasm may get me into big trouble someday. But sarcasm is not as big of a sin as oh-I-don't-know...allowing married sisters to be molested by your office manager, taking retirement money from religious followers to bank-roll your son's business, slandering faithful co-workers, calling every group but your own a prostitute, suing your Christian brothers for critiquing your doctrine or practices, right?
Bro, I don't mean to make you worry. Cahn is selling worry. But I don't get it. What's to worry about? Unless you're not abiding. Other than that there's no worry. I may be living smack dub in the middle of Sodom and Gomorrah but I didn't do it. I'm like Lot (he was far from perfect) without the angels.

So what? Shemitah is rolling 'round? Should I run from Sodom & Gamorrah? Like Lot? I don't know. Does Cahn sell survival kits? Or does he refer that to Jim Bakker?

Anyways! These boys are selling fear. But what's to fear?

Hey, I saw the super duper blood moon. Then I went to sleep and didn't wake up dead. (The world I wake up to has to be something like hell. It's hard to tell.) That's real cool tho. But waking up dead wouldn't be bad either.

No worries ....
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There's a serpent in every paradise.
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