So what is "exercised in your spirit"? Does it have a somewhat singular meaing? Is the meaning variable based on the context? Is "my spirit" necessarily involved just because I use the term? Is it just a LRC cliche?
Opinions? Does Lee or someone else ever give this term a somewhat difinitive meaning? Or is it just jargon?
*Yes***"Exercise your spirit"****when I was there meant, "don't use your mind to think" don't carry on a normal conversation , don't question ,rather get with the program , be spiritually upbeat, ie. chant or shout amen lord Jeeesus! Use your a strong emotional tone and emphasize hand gestures to go along with it , like a small fisted up -swinging motion , while quoting a piece of witness Lee's message or slogans and then say amen Jeeesus again!