Originally Posted by Nell
In God we Trust; One Nation, Under God; So help me God
To me it is abundantly clear that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and that God has both blessed our country, and has used this country to benefit the rest of the earth.
Just look at the facts. Objectively, please.
That's not to say we are a "Christian country" per se, nor that our government officials should be considered godly representatives of the Almighty. That was never the intention of the founding fathers, nor should we even equate what was written to Israel in the Bible with the US as a country. Israel alone, not the USA, could be considered the nation of Jehovah.
I believe part of our national blessing, however, can be attributed to our support of Israel. And I believe the contrapositive is also true, that is, the less we support Israel, the less God will bless us with his favor. The daily news reports support this. Isn't it tragic that the book of Revelation seems to have no mention of the so-called "greatest nation on earth."