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Old 09-04-2015, 03:18 PM   #585
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Default Re: The Temple

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Israel is the center of much of the prophecy.

If Balfour Declaration occurred during the 68th Jubilee ...

And Jerusalem became part of Israel on the 69th Jubilee ...

Will we then see the temple built on the 70th Jubliee?

What we're looking at is world history, especially since 1916. Overlay the Hebrew calendar on the secular calendar and there are some amazing patterns. This is history, and this is fact regardless of the calendar.

Based on the patterns, we look ahead and speculate on what might happen if the pattern/s continue into the future. No one saw this convergence before the last few years.

Others have called Cahn a prophet, but he doesn't call himself a prophet. He's a guy who saw the pattern/s and began to speak about it. Mainly, in the vein of what could happen if the pattern continued. He's a Messianic Rabbi who is fluent in Hebrew. He has a compelling case but has been much maligned on this forum based, not on fact, but on the ability to buy his books. His primary message has been lost, that being, nothing has to happen. You can't put God in a box. The 7-year cycles have not always marked significant events in history.

Why? Because in Leviticus, as long as the people observed the Sabbath of 7-years, they were blessed. When they abandoned the observance, eventually, they were judged.

For the US, things seemed to change in 1973 when the US Supreme Court legalized the murder of its unborn children. Since then an extimated 50,000 children have been murdered. You've seen recentlly the further desecration of unborn children by Planned Parenthood.

This summer the US Supreme Court abolished the "separation of church and state" by desecrating marriage as ordained by God.

There's more, but the point is, IMHO, whatever happens, or doesn't happen, in the 70th Jubilee year will be event driven. This is me believing that when God judges, it will be unmistakable about Who is doing the judging.

In 2001 and 2008 the worst stockmarket crashes occurred precisely 7 years apart on the Hebrew calendar on Elul 29. Elul 29 is the "Day of Nullification" or the biblical day when financial accounts are wiped away....something that certainly happens in a modern day stock market crash. The 7-year pattern is outlined in Leviticus. Although Sabbath/Shemitah was given to Israel only for observance, because of the pattern of 7 years throughout history, it can be considered prophetic. Prophetic not because it MUST HAPPEN, but because of current events and the deterioration of American society, and the pattern will likely continue. If not Sept. 13, 2015, then 7-years from now.

The Nation of Israel is on the verge of extinction, having been abandoned by its strongest ally, the United States and the Obama administration. They have been pushed about as far as possible without a military response. This could become the catalyst that would begin the rebuilding of the Temple. Nothing would surprise me.

Sorry. It took a long time to say "I don't know...maybe". I hope the explanation helps.

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