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Old 09-04-2015, 02:42 AM   #580
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Default Re: The Temple

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
In 1917-1918, World War I, the Balfour Declaration allowed Jews to come home to Jerusalem from the 4 corners of the world. To the Jewish people this was certainly a Jubilee.

Fifty years later (Hebrew calendar) 1966-67, saw the "6-Day" war in Israel, allowing Israel to recapture Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. However, under UN pressure, Israel gave the Temple Mount back to the Arabs. Again, certainly a Jubilee.

Now, another 50 years from 1966-67 we have 2015-16. This 50 years begins on Sept. 14, 2015. If there was war in Israel, is it likely they would proceed to begin rebuilding the Temple on the Temple Mount? Under what scenario would Israel, if they had control of the Temple Mount, NOT begin rebuilding the temple?

It seems to me that in the entire world, something big is about to happen. It looks like it would a miracle for some global catastrophe NOT to happen.

Israel is the center of much of the prophecy.

If Balfour Declaration occurred during the 68th Jubilee ...

And Jerusalem became part of Israel on the 69th Jubilee ...

Will we then see the temple built on the 70th Jubliee?
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