God has a different rule. If the prophet is wrong once, then he's no prophet. God doesn't give him a thousand shots at it, to get it right. Now, we are to forgive our brothers, the failed prophets, seven times seventy, yes. We are to receive them, but not as prophets, but as brothers. Guys like Miller and Russel were brothers who lost their way. As did Nee and Lee. As do we all, at some point. We forgive others, just as God forgave us in Christ Jesus. We receive one another, just as God received us in Christ Jesus.
Speaking of failed prophets, and rejecting false ones, when prophets peddle their predictions for lucre, I am wary, to say the least. Here's Jonathan Cahn on the Jim Bakker show, peddling his wares. I believe that 100 bucks will get you the deluxe set.
Jim Bakker, for those of you living on Pluto, is a disgraced former televangelist, who when he was released from the slammer (serving time for mail fraud), got right back into the "beseeching for money" business, complete with a new bottle-blonde wife.
These guys are addicted to lucre. It distorts their vision, their testimony, and their person. Yes they are brothers, but long ago (so it seems to me) they lost their way. I already gave my savings to Lee, to build his La Palma campus; why give to yet another huckster? If there is something to the "Blood Moon Prophecy", I believe the Lord will exonerate me for not taking it from Cahn, Hagee et al.