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Old 08-18-2015, 12:57 PM   #413
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by Truth View Post
Lastly, not to mention, it would be very difficult for my parents whose entire life depend on the LC network, especially at their old age. I think it is actually good for them. Many seniors are lonely, but my parents are not because they have a great network of friends and activities in the LC. Of course, they actually believe in all this stuff, which helps.
Thanks for saying this Truth.

I have commented several times that many stay in the LC for friendships. Friendships and relationships grow increasingly important as one ages. This is especially true of older people. And I do appreciate your attitude not recklessly leaving the program with a trail of wounded family members. Also, many older saints have learned to filter out some of the LSM nonsense, while maintaining their walk with the Lord and love for His word. Look at the 7 churches in Revelation. The Lord had His lovers in every one of them, even where Jezebel was.
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