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Old 08-11-2015, 09:26 AM   #299
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

Originally Posted by aron View Post
In Asian society, I see a great emphasis on belonging to a social web of reciprocal relations.

Here is Teresa Zimmerman-Liu:

ted by Nigel Tomes
T. Zimmerman-Liu’s other paper seeks to “describe in detail how an indigenous Chinese Protestant group—the Local Churches—reconstituted guanxi during the twentieth century. It will show how in the process of redefining guanxi to make its members committed Christians, the Local Churches also Sinicized Christianity.” (Teresa Zimmerman-Liu, “From ‘Children of the Devil’ to ‘Sons of God’: The Reconfiguration of Guanxi in a 20th Century Indigenous Chinese Protestant Group,” p. 1, Department of Sociology, University of California, San Diego, Working Paper) She also asserts that, “The Local Church founders further sought to emphasize the elements of scriptural and historical Christianity that would most appeal to their audience of Republican-era (1911-1949) Chinese people.” [T. Zimmerman-Liu, “From ‘Children of the Devil’ to ‘Sons of God’...” p. 2 (emphasis added)] Again she says, “The Local Churches reconstituted guanxi relationships among their members, and they also Sinicized their version of Christianity.” (T. Zimmerman-Liu, “From ‘Children of the Devil’ to ‘Sons of God’...” p. 3 )
And the LSM variant was that "the ministry" should be supported. They called it "the practicality of oneness". How could you say that you are one, if you don't support the ministry? So a fallen, fleshly man becomes the stand-in for the kingdom of heaven. To me it's a completely culturally-derived model. It's "normal" for Nee and Lee, because that's their culture. And they did an impressive job of selling it to the naiive Westerners. Some of us even held on through all the "storms" and "rebellions" and "turmoils" that such a model engendered.
I think you drive home good and valid points. And are finally getting down to the nut of Nee and Lee's ministry; that it's modeled after the Chinese communistic model.

By the way,

From “Children of the Devil” to “Sons of God”: The Reconfiguration of Guanxi in a 20th Century Indigenous Chinese Protestant Group
By Teresa Zimmerman-Liu

can be found at:
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