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Old 07-28-2015, 05:26 PM   #367
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 969
Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Well, it's been a year now since I first posted here and I'm beginning to perceive that Satan has cleverly maneuvered (at least since the 1990's) LSM's teaching so as to glorify man and trivialize the cross by distracting attention away from Jesus Christ and His devil-destroying work towards the so-called "high peak" truths. Satan's strategy is effective because it is subtle and hidden. A common theme throughout the LSM-recovery is to mention the spirituality of "good" brothers. The praise of man begins with the honor of WN and WL for bringing great riches to the recovery and extends to leading brothers being fearful of what WN or WL will say to them at the judgement. Little brothers are often praised for being "absolute" or "poured out", but where is the praise for the Lord Jesus from whom all things flow? In 1 Corinthians Paul said "Christ didn't send me to wash people but to bring the good word, and not with cleverness of language, so as not to trivialize the cross of Christ". I believe the so-called high peak truths are just clever expressions of language being used by Satan to trivialize the cross of Christ by focusing attention away from the Savior towards the high peak teachings. The fact that the high peak proclamations contain an element of truth is a perfect covering in that it allows the saints to revel in the beauty of the proclamations rather than in adoration of the sacrificing Savior. This insidious stratagem is what causes leading brothers to evaluate the oneness and absoluteness that saints have towards the ministry of WL rather than towards our dear Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. We all must be careful that we are not drawn away from the simplicity that is in Christ to teachings that tickle the ears of self-centered man.

Would someone please ask Benson Phillips to reevaluate the truthfulness of his statement that anyone that leaves the LSM recovery has no way to go on with the Lord? I'm still alive, married and none of my children or grandchildren have died, (of course one day I'll die or something bad will happen then the naysayers can testify to God's judgement on those who criticize the MOTA) and I'm still loving the Lord and His word and enjoying fellowship with other Christians in a real local church that is not controlled by "fellowship" from an out-of-state headquarters; where the elders are not required to attend twice annual "alignment meetings" being indoctrinated with the writings of a man who claimed to be the oracle of God and even God's deputy authority on earth; where none of the college graduates are pressured to go to an exclusive two year denomination-controlled indoctrination program at the denominational headquarters where all the instructors are required to attend the same denominational church and read from the same denominational version of the bible; where the members are not retained by warnings of shipwreck and catastrophe if you leave; and where the foundation of the church and fellowship with other Christians is Christ and Him alone, not a contrived doctrine of locality or the twisted notion that the New Testament ministry solely resides with WL as promulgated by LSM.
Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." (KJV Version)
Look to Jesus not The Ministry.
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