Another thing about the deputy authority nonsense and the wholesale twisting of scripture re: Ham uncovering his fathers nakedness being used as an excuse to hide the sins of a spiritual leader is WHAT ELSE ARE THEY HIDING? There have been many godly spiritual men and women leaders whose lives did not require that their lieutenants hide their sins. And there have been many so-called spiritual leaders whose ministries were proven to be false by the revelation of fraud, theft, manipulation, nepotism, greed, lies, self promotion, etc. (I left out sex so as not to set Awarness off

). I want to ask WHAT ELSE ARE THEY HIDING? If the gross sins of other leaders have testified of their false teachings, then why can't the saints see that the sins of their leaders might also be a testimony of false teachings? I guess the answer is that if you're deceived to think that your leader is the MOTA, oracle of God, or God's last New Testament Apostle, then you can be intimidated to keep quiet and ignore the screaming testimony of the leader's sin.
I'm throwing out the deception that the sins of a leader have no relevance to the validity of his ministry.