Originally Posted by djohnson
In addition to our summer family vacations we send our kids to a one week camp every year. One of these camps had over a 1000 kids from various Christian backgrounds all coming together for a week of fun and fellowship i.e. Hume Lake: http://www.humelake.org/content/yc_.php . They had a great time, made friends, learned, played sports, etc. What's wrong with that? They have since graduated from high school but they have very fond memories of those days at camp.
You used the taboo word: fun. Didn't you know fun is wrong? Just ask the BB.
I grew up going to church camp. Yes, there were some dorky elements such as sitting around the campfire on the last night, making some kind of declarartion then throwing your ember into the fire, the girls all crying, the guys fidgeting the whole time. And there were too many meetings, too much promotion of the Baptist way. And usually there was a counselor or two who were too weird to be believed.
But then there was the swimming, the canoeing, the archery, the tetherball, the softball, the ping-pong, the cafeteria meals with the even dorkier chants ("Mabel, Mabel, kind and able, get your elbows off the table"), the meeting of kids from other regions, other churches, the Bible memory, the general sense that there was meaning and form to the universe ... these experiences were far more grounding than any of us realized at the time.
Watch any LSM video of a meeting or conference of young people (try "LastAdam.org") and you'll see the antithesis of all this. Really, they're painful for me to watch, especially since I am so soon removed from that system. The LSM simply have lost touch with what it is to be a human being starting with being a kid.