Re: Current status of the Local Church?
I was in the LC from '70-'80. I now live on the other coast from where I attended. I have kept up on issues, and have just wondered, what is the church like now? About ten years ago I went to my local LC. I walked in to the meeting hall, built for hundreds like Anaheim, but only about 50 sat in a circle. When I sat, two brothers, whom I later discovered were elders, sat next to me, one on each side. I felt like I was going into a besieged city, and the occupants were readying the boiling oil and raising the drawbridge. What a difference from the joy I remember towards the Lord, and the love feasts where we shared a meal and then rejoiced in the Lord. I felt like I was treated as an invader. However I think each LC unit has individual responses. I've gone back to where I was a member. Even though I told some of them I worshipped elsewhere, I was received warmly, and am still in contact. Others assumed I was still in the LC said to say hello to those in my city, and were surprised I am in 'Christianity". Pray for those in the LC. I remember many who had a heart for the Lord, but were led astray into only accepting the LC way as the only one.
In Christ, JK