Originally Posted by Amcasci
Dear Freedom,
I believe there is one thing you have to show for the time in the LCM and that is people. I wager that if you stop and think about individuals who cared for you and with whom you shared many experiences, you will find that this is the redeeming element. Even though my stay was short I have fond memories of individuals like Tom McNaughton, Rick Coleman, Phil Comfort, Tony Lions and on it goes. Nothing can diminish or take away from godly friends in Christ regardless of the organization and what it did. Take heart my brother soon and very soon you will know even as you are known and until then we see through a glass dimly. In the light of eternity all will be clear. Until then rejoice in Christ and in the cloud of witnesses, the individuals.
That is true. I have a lot of fond memories of LC individuals that I know. I have respect for those who are able to interact on a normal level outside LC meetings and activities. Some LCers don't have that ability.