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Old 05-03-2015, 05:14 PM   #14
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Default Re: Love to the loveless shown

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I don't feel wronged or have anger, basically mistrust and the principles seen in Isaiah 5:20 and Acts 5:1-2 became part of LSM practices.
I love the brothers and sisters in the local churches, but the system that has muted their liberty, I have no tolerance.
The reason that I feel wronged is because the LC has misrepresented itself for what it really is. I spent years devoting my time to a system that wasn’t what I thought it was, and at the end of it all, I have nothing to show for it. That’s not to say that I was expecting to get back out of it what I put into it, but all the same, it was really an experience of wasted time and energy.

I think I’m slowly working to put such attitudes behind me, and obviously that is something that does take time. At the same time, my heart really goes out to those trapped in the system of the LC, who are devoting their time and energy to it. I am especially concerned for the younger generation and those who are my age. The LC is a system that likes to put the younger ones out on the firing line. The problem is that those who are younger are not going to have any idea of what they are really promoting or fighting for. That is what the issue is really all about to me. Because of my frustration with the LC, I just want those in the system to see it for what it really is. Because I am not completely “out” of the LC, I have the ability to discretely express my views. I think the key is how I go about doing that. I can do that out of frustration, or I can do that because I love those in the LC and want to see them able to make an educated decision as to whether or not the LC is right for them.
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