Here's a couple more stories about brother Tom:
A brother wrote RK around 1998, a little bit after brother Lee went to be with the Lord, with some concerns about the Lord's Recovery.
RK wrote back with a registered letter, which addressed none of the brother's concerns at all, but instead asked him 7 questions.
One of RK's questions was: Is it not true that in your living room someone stated, "The brothers in Anaheim can't share their way out of a paper bag?" What was your reaction?
Of course, that was Tom that made the statement quoted by RK.
April 25, 2015
Remembering my dear brother in Christ Tom McNaughton.
My first meeting with brother Tom was in the spring of 1974. A dear brother, Virgil who worked in Akron came up to the Cleveland branch warehouse on a monday where I was working. He and I had great fellowship and he shared Christ with me for over an hour. It was the best lunch break I ever had. He told me about the meetings and I asked if I could go to one. He said it so happens that the church is having a love feast and gospel meeting this coming Saturday night. Sure enough on Saturday at 5:45 P.M. Virgil pulled into the driveway at my mother' house not far from Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Later I found out he drove all the way from Akron just to pick me up. We had a great love feast with lots of shining faces. After the love feast the chairs were all arranged in concentric circles. I sat in the last row of 3 rows. We sang and had a good time. Then I look to my left and seated 2 chairs away was this little brother in jeans and a red lumberjack shirt smiling, stomping his feet and playing the washboard, yes the washboard with a spoon. I asked him "what is that?" he responded "a spoon." We both laughed so hard. The whole place was quaking with joy. The enjoyment of the Lord was so dense that you could pick Him out of the air like picking fruit off a tree. Brother Tom was grinning from ear to ear. After a few supplement songs I had to ask him "could I play that?" and he answered with a 1,000 watt grin "no". He said "just enjoy" and I said okay. Then after a few weeks Tom started appearing at the warehouse. You see he at the time was an IBM repairman and came to fix the Selectric typewriters. We often made it a habit to find one another and fellowship for a few minutes. His IQ must have been pretty high. He learned law to be an attorney, learned Greek and some Hebrew. He once mentioned around 1979 maybe, that he was going to take a speed reading course and wondered if I wanted to join him and I said no - I soon regretted that decision. He was in my mind "a character who just loved Jesus." There are so many other stories but let it suffice to say, I surely loved and appreciated his labor on me and others throughout the years till his departure. I will be glad to testify how he helped me in the positive ways when we both stand before the judgment seat of Christ in the near future.
May the Lord bless his entire family in the coming years.
Jim W. Strieter,
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