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Old 04-30-2015, 01:15 PM   #85
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Default Re: Does The Local Church Teach/Preach Another Gospel and Another Jesus?

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I'm not one of those who really has a position on what would be a "normal" amount of meetings,
I was talking to a brother this morning. He was reminding me of how it was back in the 70s. In those days if you missed one meeting your givenness and devotion to Christ and the Church was called into question. And meetings were serious business. The more meetings you attended indicated the measure of your Spirituality. Those burning for the Lord wouldn't ever think of missing a meeting.

Originally Posted by Freedom
I just know how much is too much. The even bigger concern I have is what are these LC meetings accomplishing? I would say that if LCers had meetings every night of the week and it resulted in a positive impact on people's lives in a practical way, then it wouldn't be so bad. What makes it so bad is that LCers are giving up all their time for something that is unlikely to provide any measurable benefit. Meetings may meet the social needs of individuals on a short term basis, but over the long term, I can't think of much benefit that I gained from the numerous meetings that I attended.
That paragraph packs a punch, and says volumes. I remember a conference in Anaheim. I don't remember which one. It doesn't matter. But I heard Witness Lee say, with my own ears, that if we just came and sat in the conference we would receive Christ poured into us ; that it would transform us.

Well where is all that transformation today? All those meetings, all those conferences, all that calling-on-the-name, all that pray-reading, all the EATING AND EATING of Jesus?

Look at me. You haven't seen it all. But if you've been around you've seen enough.

Have I been transformed?
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