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Old 07-13-2008, 01:31 PM   #17
Thankful Jane
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I think in general we have the whole idea of authority and submission upside down.

Because of the worldly culture when we hear the words “leaders”, “authority,” “submission” we automatically think in terms of a top-down scenario. This is actually satanic authority and the bible uses the words “lording over” to refer to it.

Biblical authority is another animal altogether. It’s bottoms up authority. The one with the greatest authority is the one bearing the greatest responsibility for those he loves. He is underneath them in order to serve them.

In earthly pictures, a parent has God-given authority for the benefit of their children so they can protect and nurture them, not so they can sit on some kind of parent throne and brandish a sword of authority over their underling children, commanding them to do their bidding. The parent has to bear the children over a long period of time with a labor of longsuffering and patient love, not thinking about their own selfish benefit, welfare or happiness, but about that of their children. They have to pay the price to teach by example.

A husband has God-given authority in a marriage, not so he can bind his wife’s feet and cause her to shuffle along behind him (no cultural offense meant, just a good word picture) but so he can lay down his life, if necessary, for his wife whom he is told to love as Christ loved the church by giving Himself for her.

This is what it means for a man to rule his house well.

True authority and submission is seen in what Christ did on the cross. He had the authority to lay his life down or to save it. He submitted completely and willingly to His Father’s will. He used his authority to lay his life down for us, to submit to our killing hands without calling down fire on us, and as a result He saved us and demonstrated God’s love for us tangibly.

It is easy to submit to someone who loves like this. That is how Jesus won our love and submission. The more I see Him as He really is, the more I love Him and call Him my Lord, and the more I can live toward others as He did. After all, we are all called to submit to one another in love.

When men take up positions as representatives of God to people, they had best first have learned from the crucified Christ, as Paul did, what true authority is. If instead they sling around words like “spiritual authority” and “submission” using them as weapons over God’s people to subdue them, they will be found guilty of misrepresenting God--as if He was some kind of a cruel overlord. In so doing, they will be heaping up judgment unto themselves.

Thankful Jane

Last edited by Thankful Jane; 07-13-2008 at 03:41 PM.
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