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Old 04-27-2015, 11:47 AM   #304
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Prelude to the Phoneix Accord

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Then about 10-12 years ago, "it" all hit the fan. I was badly beaten up by my leader in a fit of rage. LSM was breathing out threatenings toward TC and the GLA. A close friend was brutally shamed by TC, leaving the full-time work completely. Then I read Thread of Gold and Speaking the Truth in Love. My eyes were then opened to the abuse I had witnessed to for 30 years, and I then reached the conclusion that this program, which I gave my life to, "produces bullies out of beloved brothers." The disease was systemic and apparently incurable due to deep-seated pride.
Around this time Ohio, even before the "Phoenix Accord", A Pacific NW elder at the time was reputed as pointing to the Midwest where the next "storm" would come from. Where does he come up with that thought? Certainly wouldn't draw it up himself unless it was a byproduct of Anahiem fellowship.
At any rate with several households I know of having migrated to the NW from Ohio and Michigan, logic indicates word would eventually travel back to their former localities.
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