Originally Posted by Igzy
It is a long time. Which again speaks to how bad Lee's theology and leadership was. But I got over it a long time ago. Now I try to help others. But I wouldn't have gotten over it without this board. And this board the LCM leadership calls "lawless." A designation surely inspired by Lee's mindset.
Now, think about that. The board that God used to set me free to himself the LCM calls lawless. What does that tell you?
UntoHim, Igzy,
I've been working all afternoon and evening, thinking and rethinking my last post. Was it a cheap shot? I don't know. At any rate, I don't feel good about it so I offer my apology. I realize many of you have moved on past your original departure and view this board as a ministry.
Again, I spoke rashly and feel I was especially unfair to UntoHim, who welcomed me back graciously.
Please forgive me.