Originally Posted by aron
God was not some wandering homeless guy before Jesus' death and resurrection. That's what they teach in the LCs now, so I hear. "God is homeless. Let's build His church"...
I know some might think, 'Yeah, but "Birds have nests, and foxes have holes, but the Son of Man has no place for His head" (Luke 9:58), and "Who will build a house for God?(Haggai ch.1)" and "I will build My church"(Matt 16:18),' etc.
They may trot out 20 verses to show the "homeless God" living in a tent, looking for something permanent. But they confuse heaven with earth. On earth God is ignored and rejected and Satan is at home; on earth God looks for a place, yes. But in heaven, God's throne is secure. Why ignore the second fact to try to make something of the first? It leads to imbalance, with people rushing about hither and yon, seeking the latest "flow" to rescue the poor homeless bachelor God. None of which is even remotely true.
Jesus prayed, "As in heaven, so on earth". Yet the LCs typically ignore heaven, because WL saw the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. So apparently God isn't interested in heaven anymore, and so the LCs teach, "We don't care for heaven. Christianity cares for heaven but we don't". Etc. Imbalanced.