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Old 10-22-2008, 08:07 AM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: John the Baptist

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I am trying to critically examine the Spirit's guiding the disciples (verse 13)into all the reality (truth, understanding) of who Jesus was, and what His words meant. I think that revelation is a slow process of accretion, of sifting data, of careful reflection. There are "Wow!" moments, but there also is lots of hard, slow, work involved; it's a process, not an event. That is one reason I treasure John's writings so much. They seem more analytical, versus the earlier accounts which were concerned with just getting the facts out there.

Peace to all and thanks for bearing with me as I do my own analysis.
I'm following along.

Our appreciation of these first brothers of the Lord is so distorted through generations of religious interpretation that if we can see something by studying "the lives of the saints" I believe it's probably up to folks like you have an interest and an insight to strip away the halo-encrusted mosaics and introduce us to the real guys who put on their tunics one leg at a time.

I know multiple attempts have been made over the years to do this very thing but there is one difference with regard to your attempt: you touched something solid in your spirit and you can reasonably conclude that the guys whose lives you're considering had that same experience.

Not every Christian author is clear about their connection with the Almighty and that perspective can change things, I think....
Let each walk as the Lord has distributed to each, as God has called each, and in this manner I instruct all the assemblies. 1 Cor. 7:17
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