04-16-2015, 06:58 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Detroit, MI
Posts: 93
Re: Regarding Tom McNaughton (Toledo)
This is a FaceBook post from bro Keith Miller in Cincinnati:
Dear McNaughton Family,
I just wanted to express my deep sorrow in the passing of Tom. He was such an inspiration to me, especially in my younger years as a Christian. Though I have not been in touch with him much in the past several years I have nothing but the utmost admiration for him. I wanted to share a brief story I had with Tom that most people are not aware of.
Back in the late 1980’s I was really going through a difficult time personally and spiritually. My work schedule made it difficult for me to attend the church gatherings (at least that was the excuse I gave for no longer attending the Sunday morning gatherings). I think my attitude made it difficult for people to reach out to me. Gradually, I was slipping away spiritually. Though I was not particularly close to Tom, for some reason he took it upon himself to come and visit me. I remember him sitting and listening as I talked about all that was going on with me. I remember thinking that here is someone who truly cares about me as a person.
While we talked about many things that day Tom shared with me something that has never left me. He said, “The Lord’s Day is not about you. It is about Him. It is His day, not your day. Continue with all your other pursuits but on this day you owe it to Him to remember Him.” This loving kick in the pants was exactly what I needed to hear. I started attending Sunday morning church gatherings after that. But it wasn’t just about getting me back to church but about forever changing my understanding of church and my role as a member of Christ’s body.
Thank you brother Tom for getting me back on track and being obedient to the Lord in running after this one lost sheep. I am thankful for the time we spent together, brief as it was. I love you my dear brother in Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Steve Miller
For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. - 1 Pet 3:12