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Old 04-16-2015, 05:13 AM   #30
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Doug Krieger testimony

Originally Posted by Dave View Post
I left in the summer of 1971 to Detroit as part of a migration. I knew Karl very well and he had mixed emotions about WL asking me to move to Detroit but thought that it might be a sign that WL was giving him some recognition to his efforts in SC. Karl always knew he was kind of a renegade but wanted some level of acceptance from Lee.

During this entire time of over two years I never met Doug Krieger nor even heard of him. I was actively involved in the growth of SC while I was there (1969-1971) attending the university in SC. Dave Becker, his wife Jill and Dennis Lawrence and his wife Dee accepted the Lord and were baptized in the Atlantic Ocean in SC in late 1969 and sometime after I left for Detroit in July 1971 became the elders in the SC church.

Doug does not say what specific years he was in SC but indicates that he was responsible for its initial growth which is pure nonsense as I indicated earlier. Of course, awareness was in SC in 1971 but I doubt he remembers anyone named Krieger. I have a service group list from Jan 1971 in SC of 15 groups and Krieger is not mentioned. His story is a fabrication.
Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Yes, I must have come in, along with 11 other Southgate Sickies (friends from Southgate Michigan) right after Dave left for Detroit. I remember well Karl, Ma, Dennis (elder) Dave Becker (elder), and somewhat remember John (elder ??)(Lawrence and Becker ended up in Ft. Lauderdale).

But I never once heard of Krieger until Ft. Lauderdale, that he was up in the inner circle of Lee.

But then I never heard of Dave either, until I went to Detroit. Karl, a proud a-hole, and sold on himself like Krieger, always told that he started Santa Cruz by preaching the gospel on the boardwalk..
So awareness says he heard of Krieger while in Ft. Lauderdale, that Krieger was up in the inner circle of Lee. Did he hear this from Hammond or someone else, and in what way? This is the only current link to corroborate anything Krieger wrote of his own experience & position within the 1960s LCs. The LC is a tight-knit bunch - there aren't "six degrees of separation" in this group, more like two or three. Everyone seemed to know everyone else. That was part of the attraction: it was easy to get drawn in. I stayed at peoples' homes, who had stayed at others' homes. It was very communal -- "I worked on Meeting Hall X with Brother Y"... the most inconspicuous brother would know somebody who was at the top of the food chain. In fact awareness' experiences with current "top blended" RK is a perfect example.

So if Dave never heard of Krieger that's significant. But I would still be interested what awareness had heard of him, while in Ft. Lauderdale.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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