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Old 04-15-2015, 12:21 PM   #28
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Default Re: Doug Krieger testimony

Originally Posted by aron View Post
So if Krieger gives this Forrest Gumpish tale decades later it doesn't mean that its pure hogwash. Nonetheless, when someone like Dave can't corroborate any of it, we should also take that into consideration.
I think that a consideration of Forrest Gump is the key. The stories told in Forrest Gump were essentially all true — with the exception of the existence of Forrest Gump.

Elvis swung his hips in an insane way. Forrest Gump didn't give him the idea.
There was a break-in at the Watergate Hotel. Forrest Gump didn't report it.
Nixon used ping-pong as part of his early olive branches with China. Forrest Gump was not among the participants.
Someone created the smiley face. Forrest Gump wasn't the one.
"$hit happens" is a popular statement. Forrest Gump didn't come up with it.

Not saying that Krieger was not involved in any of the things he wrote about. But as true as the underlying stories may be (even every last one of them), it seems too likely that he wrote himself into some of them despite not being close enough to even do a drive-by.

All of that to say that each and every account is worthy of further digging — not to push Krieger out of them, but to discover what happened in a part of California that most of us have almost no insight into.
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