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Old 04-15-2015, 06:40 AM   #23
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Default Re: Doug Krieger testimony

Originally Posted by aron View Post

Second, Krieger in the written testimony says he's 70 years old, and says he left when he was 33. So recollecting experiences 37+ years later will be spotty at best. Yesterday I was telling someone of a skit on television from the 1970s, and looked it up on YouTube to show him. Turns out I half-remembered it. Some of the actors that I thought were in the skit were in another, similar one. My memory had merged two separate but similar events.

So if Krieger gives this Forrest Gumpish tale decades later it doesn't mean that its pure hogwash. Nonetheless, when someone like Dave can't corroborate any of it, we should also take that into consideration.

But I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand as pure fabrication, either.
Look what happened to Brian Williams of NBC who merely embellished a few war stories as time went on. I suppose we reserve the right to "mis-remember" past events only for those in some "White" house.
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