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Old 04-14-2015, 06:30 PM   #19
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Default Re: Doug Krieger testimony

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I agree that it's hard to say how credible these accounts are. I am curious though about a lot of these things. I would like to have a better idea of how early on in his ministry WL started different business ventures.

According to Don Rutledge's account, WL was selling suits at the Seattle World fair in 1962. That was the same time as the church in Los Angeles started, so I think it's possible that there were ongoing business dealings on the side all along. From the various sources I've read, there seems to be some indication (a bit unclear) that WL had engaged in various church-involved business ventures in the U.S. before Daystar. There doesn't seem to be much clarity as to what those business ventures were (tennis rackets, suits, vitamins, etc????) and over what time period each took place. I am also curious as to how strongly these business ventures, particularly those before Daystar, were promoted in church meetings.
As the story goes, Lee had a disastrous business plan go south in Taipei in the mid 50's. Never heard what the plan was, but Lee forced the church to sell some property to pay his debt. This created such a conflict among the saints, that Lee was effectively banished from Taiwan, and thus arrived on our soil. Lee and company eventually spun this into God's "leading."
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