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Old 04-14-2015, 09:26 AM   #17
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 56
Default Re: Does The Local Church Teach/Preach Another Gospel and Another Jesus?

Originally Posted by Amcasci View Post
Dear mr. Ohio, I believe it will take us a while to get on the same page. My impression is we are talking past each other. I am attempting to focus on Galatians where Paul battled the judaizers who created the two tiered system demanding that the gentile converts become Jews in order to be first tier Christians. so, today when a teacher adds to the Christ who alone justifies the sinner that is another Christ.

When I say there is one kind of christian I am attempting to think in Galatianese, Pauline and not referring to denominations. I hope this helps. It will take much time for you and I to have the same lexicon and in fact we may never have it.

Please show what else Witness Lee taught as necessary to salvation from hell other than faith in Jesus Christ? I want quotes, books, etc. Not caricatures or secondary issues.
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