Originally Posted by Amcasci
Doug, thank you so much for sharing your treasure. I do not believe we ever met.i did go to LA in the summer of 72 for a conference and I do know bob smith. Please greet him for me if you are still in contact with him.
I believe you are on target in your estimate of the "dirt". It is bogus. The bigger the lie the harder we fall. I often thought that what was going on in the LC was very much like the communist take over of China. Iconoclasm, isolation, big lies,etc. It is very effective and young folks are so susceptible to it.
Truly Christ is good.
Art casci
Bob Smith moved his family from Cleveland to Anaheim during the mid-70's at the suggestion
(prolly closer to insistence) of Titus Chu, because of the ongoing conflicts between the two. Bob felt that being closer to Lee would be a "purer" form of the Recovery. Bob later became a thorn in Lee's side in his new Anaheim LC.
Witness Lee excoriated Titus Chu for letting him do that.