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Old 04-14-2015, 07:54 AM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Greater dayton ohio
Posts: 36
Default Re: Does The Local Church Teach/Preach Another Gospel and Another Jesus?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Someone will do better, but the low gospel was essentially salvation while the high gospel was the church life. And not just life as a member of the body of Christ, but the life according to the ways of Lee, the LSM and the LCM. Essentially about how we have better meetings and a better lexicon. Probably a lot of other ways it was said, but that pretty much sums it up.
Ok...that makes sense and that is precisely what I was getting at in my post on this subject. Preaching another Christ does not meanin denying the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. It means, "yes, I believe in this jesus but if you want to be a first class christian you need....Judaism, Romanism, Leeism and on it goes. Two tiered christianity is preaching another jesus. There is only one kind of christian, a sinner who is saved by grace alone, through faith alone in christ alone.

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