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Old 04-02-2015, 08:54 PM   #262
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Reading LSM with Discernment

In the past I had a sneaking suspicion that the verses quoted by LSM sometimes had little to do with some of their statements in the material they publish. So, I decided to check. I recently went to their website and found the outline of the first message in the full time training of the spring semester 2015. I took the first Roman numeral and compared the statement to the bible verses they quoted to determine how they compare. Here's the first statement.
I've had this suspicion for a long time. At least once I attempted to verify certain outline points by checking the corresponding scripture, but I couldn't see any connection. I left it at that assuming that I couldn't "see" what the brothers were talking about.

Unfortunately the lack of scriptural support for outline points probably isn't of much concern to LC members. The Bible is interpreted according to the ministry, so everything revolves around that. I guess that's how they come up with a statement like The kingdom of God is God Himself. What is that even supposed to mean anyways? And why would it be significant? I'm assuming that they start with statements that Lee made on any given subject, then they attempt to support it, rather than develop outlines from the scripture itself.
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