Originally Posted by Dave
Igzy, I am sure you are correct as to how the term may be viewed. I was actually going off of UntoHim's post on #24 although he does not use the term "cult" but "another gospel". Of course boughtbyJesus also described circumstances in meetings where they were trying to force her to speak where the LC was showing cult-like practices. Their practices are worse than I thought. Like you said, we all have our opinion about the term.
True we all have our opinion. By definition, cult can be very broad. That's why I believe many are uncomfortable touching the topic. However, to say the LC are sectarian is more palatable. It's transparent to see sectarian practices, attitudes, and behaviors in the LC/LSM ministry churches.
As for the phrase "another gospel", it's clear to say in the LC, they don't like to speak the gospel for the sake of bringing a man, woman, or child to salvation. If bringing someone to salvation doesn't issue into seeing the vision of the ministry LSM publishes, it's considered a waste of time.
Some may say bringing someone to salvation for the sake of adding to the Body of Christ is considered the "low gospel".