Originally Posted by Igzy
Dave, we've had the "cult" discussion here several times. It's one of those things everyone has an opinion about and it seems each one is valid.
For the record I think the LCM fits some of the definitions of a cult. But some think the term is so inflammatory that it is counter-productive. Sort of like calling a gay a "pervert." It seems to end discussions rather than start them.
Thanks for the caution bro Igzy. Dave hasn't been around that long, and doesn't know it's been discussed before. He's likely speaking from what he saw, experienced, and thinks about the local church. And he's only speaking what many exLCers have concluded about the local church.
And certainly sis boughtinChrist hasn't been around long enough to even hear the word cult even spoken of yet.
And why shouldn't she consider the possibility that her husband is caught in a cult? If it's a cult, it might help her to know what she's dealing with.
I'm not the only one that considers the LC a cult. Many exLCers that I know consider that they were in a cult, and apparently I can add Dave to the list.
And from even this distance from boughtinChrist's situation it looks like her husband is in a cult. I remember well how the church sought to distance us from our family and friends. I'm not saying the church wants to break her marriage up. But her husband sure seems to be cheating on her, with the church as his lover ... and she has her hooks in him. And just from her description it sounds like a cult.
And as far as I'm concerned, any, ANY, religious group that captures a spouse away should at least be suspected to be a cult.