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Old 03-27-2015, 09:02 PM   #30
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: San Gabriel Valley, Ca
Posts: 24
Default Re: A little background

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
True, the culture in the Local Churches does not encourage asking questions as I have learned from experience. Best case scenario is asking a question answered with silence.

I do think there needs to be a separation from what LSM publishes versus brothers and sisters meeting in the Local churches. I do believe based on LSM publications and by LSM actions, there is a different gospel preached, but that is not the case with all brothers and sisters meeting with the local churches.

In my estimation there is not a fear of God, but a fear of Man.
How do you separate what LSM publishes from what the brothers and sisters practice, believe and teach at the local churches? Everything that comes out of their mouths is content put forth by LSM.

From my experience with my dear husband, they ALL sounds alike, almost robotic like. They regurgitate what has been spoon feed to them. ALL of the written content comes from something WL said at some point during his life.
I've listened to the messages and have read some of their publications and at the end, I found myself scratching my head, asking what in the world had I just read?!?!? I work with physicians and lawyers, whom have a language all their own, and whose writings can be a bit dense and not too easy to understand, but this mumbo-jumbo paled in comparison!!! I once told my husband it was a sort of tongue-twisting brain teaser!! I must say, he didn't like that to much!
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