Originally Posted by UntoHim
Very well stated boughtbyJesus. Some people around here get a little bent out of shape when "a different gospel" is mentioned regarding the teachings of Witness Lee, but the simple fact is that Witness Lee and his followers actually preach two gospels - one is at lease close to the genuine, biblical Gospel as preached by the Lord Jesus and the original disciples, but they also have "the gospel of 'God's economy' ", which is really and truly "another gospel" as Paul mentioned in Galatians. As the years have gone by, there is little doubt that these dear Christians have actually convinced themselves that Witness Lee's gospel is more important than the actual Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord have mercy.
If I accept that LC'ers teach "
another" gospel, then I must also condemn all Pentecostals and Charismatics for the same thing, since after being saved, they are always stressing the need to speak in tongues, focus on the gifts, and get delivered thru the laying on of hands. Like
boughtbyJesus has said, "
that never felt right" for me, though I have prayed about it.
Paul used the term "another gospel" in direct opposition to the way of circumcision as promoted by the Judaizers. This negated the need of the cross of Christ, as Galatians rightly says, as if some minor surgical procedure could guarantee our salvation. How about we not use this
loaded phrase outside of its intended context?