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Old 03-26-2015, 11:46 AM   #14
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: San Gabriel Valley, Ca
Posts: 24
Default Re: A little background

Originally Posted by Dave View Post
Your testimony reminded me that the LC causes a great deal of estrangement from family members. My wife was involved at the time I was so that was not a problem but the LC caused a great deal of estrangement from other family members such as my parents, siblings etc. All we can offer you is some advice as some have already done and our prayers. Either he has to burn out which is possible or he has to develop some toleration for what you believe which is probably unlikely.

Here is one crazy idea I have (with trepidation) if this situation continues:
Ask him to meet with you and the elders at his church but you would like to bring along a sister from your church (a strong sister from your church--I only say this because you have indicated you are new to the faith) --- explain to the elders that you love your husband and you love the Lord but you can't even discuss the Bible or the Lord with your husband without getting into problems and you are looking for answers to resolve this issue in your marriage. I would suspect that the elders will try and lay a heavy trip on you regarding obeying your husband but if you stand your ground that you are not comfortable with attending the LC for reasons you have expressed on this forum. The reverse is also possible---he meeting with you and your pastor? but I doubt that he would be willing to meet with him.
Another idea:
Seek Christian counseling

We are all brainstorming here so hopefully you can garner some help from the ideas expressed in your situation.

Take care...

Honestly, wouldn't even feel comfortable meeting with the Elders, even with a strong sister from my church body. Although I know some of them personally, and had the opportunity to fellowship and get to know other believers there, who seemed to have a genuine love for the Lord and a seeking heart. One of the elders, who is close to my husband and serves as a kind of mentor to him, didn't seem to care for me much, nor I for him. He was always abrasive and offensive, not to me directly, but would proclaim at the meetings I attended that "we" needed to "get serious with the Lord" and "open our mouths," which I never did because it just felt so contrived and fake. I know he meant those comments for me, because I was the only one who didn't "prophesy" at these meetings. They always tried to pressure me, which I always resisted, because it just didn't feel right!

I remember when I first started attending, I asked, "who is this Witness Lee and I should care what he said or how he interpreted the bible and why should I care about his footnotes?" Another time I asked why wasn't the actual Bible used instead of the morning revival book at the Lord's Day meetings? The fact that they made me feel that I couldn't/shouldn't ask questions immediately raised red ringing flags for me. As I said in my 1st post, something just wasn't right and I had an uneasy feeling.

Although I believe they believe they are genuine seeking believers, my opinion is that they preach a different gospel, of which there is only one, and I believe we have been justified by faith, as Paul speaks about in Galatians. They seem to believe they are justified by works, and they seem to look inside of themselves instead of looking outside themselves for the answers.
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