Originally Posted by boughtbyJesus
Blessings everybody,
I am a new user and am so glad to have found this discussion board.
My husband of 19 years reconnected with this group about 4 years ago.
He came across this group/ministry as a child of about 6 or 7, in the midst of his parent's marriage demise and subsequent divorce. My husband has many fond memories of communal living and eating with this group in Los Angeles (Elden Hall?) during the early to mid 70's.
Aww.. yes.. the 70's! I was in the LC from 1975-1978/9. For many of us who lived in S Cal during the 70's and in the LC, those days were 'glorious'. Communal living was great if you were in your early 20s and single. The meetings were lively, the music lively and believe it or not, the Presence of God was there... at least it was for me. We were 'love bombed' until you 'fit in'. Then you became 'one of them'. And if you had a problem w/the message or with 'Brother Lee' or the 'elders', you kept your mouth shut. Not having ever read a bible growing up, I read it with their 'eyes'... a la Watchman Nee and 'Brother Witness Lee'.
When I left the LC, I 'snuck' out under the pretense of moving to a new locality. I might have remained as everyone in the new locality I moved to were 'open' about the LC problems. The problem was that the fellowship turned into 'b**ch' sessions. There was no real fellowship, direction or leading from the Holy Spirit what to do. We all had the LC baggage. So after a few years, the church there dissolved and everyone went their separate ways.
It was scary for me because while I did not like what the LC had become the LC had grabbed hold of my thinking. I was afraid to fellowship with non LC Christians especially the Pentecostals!
So I gravitated to the 'world' instead. Hmmm... after hitting rock bottom in 2003/4, I re committed my life to the Lord. I did not go to 'church' until 2005 after I moved back to my home town in Tx where I grew up.
But while I was attending 'church', I decided to check out the LC meetings here in town. I wondered if God did not want me to return to the LC after being away some 30 yrs. So I attended some meetings and YIKES! The 'flavor' seemed familiar but it was dead and AWFUL!!
They tried to shove those HMRV or whatever they call them down my throat. They emphasized me to read the FOOTNOTES from the recovery version of their bible. They were 'prophesying' after the message given instead of 'testifying' and they used little bells to stop a person from 'prophesying' too long. They had 'blended brothers' instead of Lee who had died long ago.
But yeah.... there was a strange pull for me to go back after umpteen years of me having left it. Your husband got sucked back in because he remembered the love bombing he had as a youngster.
I think what your husband is looking for deep down is:
a city which hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God. (Hebrews 11:10)
When I hear stories like yours, I often think of John10:10.. Satan is a thief out to steal, kill and destroy marriages, families, relationships, friends, and even nations.
It may be hard to believe that Jesus came that we would have ABUNDANT LIFE. But He did. And His Promise is that
NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER..and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17 - amplified)
During this turbulent time in my husband's young life, being neglected by his parents to some extent, this group took him and his sister under their wing and fed them, clothed them and introduced them to their teachings and beliefs and took them to their meetings.
He remembers the 'love bombing' he received.
This only lasted about 2 years, but it seems like the seeds were sown,
They sure were....
so to speak, as 25 years later, as I said above, he "reconnected" with them after 25+ of no contact with this ministry or anyone associated with them, and is now a rabid believer and defender of their practices and beliefs.
You know what has helped me to stay 'connected'... is my relationship with my CREATOR: JESUS CHRIST AND HIS SPIRIT AND OUR FATHER GOD.
If I may suggest... keep pointing him to the LORD JESUS. Love Him with God's Love. Pray he grow nearer and dearer to the Lord. Pray the Holy Spirit reveals the TRUTH that is Jesus to him. Try not to criticize or argue with him. He will only become a more rabid believer of the LC and think they are 'right'.
One thing I was taught and well made aware of during my time in the LC back in the 70's is the Power of the Blood of Jesus. I don't know if they mention the Precious Blood of the Lamb anymore. But if your husband will agree with you in prayer, you might suggest you both pray together for the Lord to cover your marriage and each other in His Precious Blood. If he is not willing to pray with you then you pray over your marriage.
Remember... SATAN is out to steal, kill and destroy...your marriage. But God wants and will bless your marriage as you pray for your husband and your marriage.
That...from a single woman of God.
Abundant Blessings to you !
Carol G