Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 10-19-2008, 06:41 PM   #1005
Thankful Jane
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Sorry, I've never heard of this usage of "holocaust." It brings one thing to mind for most of us. That's what I responded to. I'm done, Ohio. I'm tired of your restating my words in your own words and misrepresenting my meaning. I never said to obey someone is to have another god. I'm not going to repeat for you what I really did say. You don't seem to care. If you do, please reread what I wrote. I clearly did not say this.

I really don't have the heart for anymore of this kind of communicating. I've said all I have to say, so I'm signing off, leaving what I have said on the table. My hope is that people will read my words for themselves, if they are interested, and not take your reshaping to be a true representation of my thought.

Thankful Jane
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