Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 10-12-2008, 04:07 AM   #995
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
The example of Lee’s training which you mentioned is a good one. W. Lee called it “training” ... he found a way to legitimize our submission to his dictates he mercilessly berated people in front of others. Our willing submission eventually carried over into the “church.” I sat quietly and watched at the trainings, praying I would never find myself in his gun sights ... I assume you submitted to his training rules, which included not leaving our seats before break time. If God himself had told you to get up and go to the restroom when your bladder was bursting, would you have done so?
TJ, your "graphic" illustration of one sister's plight in the training is a vivid description of another factor which crept into the LC's -- which until now, I have heard very little mention of -- legalism. And ... btw ... for us coffee drinkers that plight was very real indeed.

Many, many times the ministry informed us of how bad, careless, and irresponsible we all were -- thus we needed "training." That was one thing we could never get enough of! The need for training was often just a "disguise" for legalism to invade the churchlife. Oftentimes, this legalism became sanctioned "abuse". Each one begins to apply standards to others which were drilled into them. Sensitivity to others' needs is overridden by rules and regulations ... and a general callousness to God's needy people. These changes went into overdrive at LSM during the mid-80's, and many churches were adversely affected.

Obviously, via the many testimonies I have read on these forums, the Texas brand of legalism was especially obnoxious. Though all attendants received the same regulations at the LSM trainings, it was the reinforcement of those regulations by certain leaders back in Texas, which made those rules so repugnant. Personally, even I were chief training usher, I could never forbid a sister in need.

Legalism has always been a killer of God's people. The Pharisees used it and the Lord rebuked them and exposed them. Paul fought its effects. But ... whether we are discussing legalism, or abuse, or wrong submissions, or a host of other issues in the LC, all of them together do not rise to the standard of idolatry. Like I was taught in Catholic school -- a million "venial" sins do not make a single "mortal" sin.
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