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Old 02-18-2015, 08:40 AM   #287
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

The "recovery" narrative held that Christianity had by fits and starts improved itself, essentially starting with the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther. Then, on "fresh soil", God raised up WN, who was able to do a syncretistic (combining) work and take the best of Darby, Luther, Murray, Govett, Penn-Lewis et al and get a "vison for the age". Now, why can't you or I come along, take a piece of WN and a piece of Billy Graham and a piece of Robert Schuller and a piece of Rick Warren (or whomever) and do our own syncretistic work? Why was WN's "normal church" vision supposed to be the culmination of all visions, only to be supplemented by his "closest co-worker" WL, and after that to be supplemented by nothing at all? Ultimately this narrative reveals itself as not being based on the Bible. Pray tell us, what scriptural revelation shows us one spiritual giant per age, eventually terminating in the age of "small potatoes"? What scripture supports the idea that "everyone must get in line" behind the Maximum Leader (ML)? Etc, etc, etc? No, I argue that this kind of narrative arises from, and (importantly) takes root and grows upon, the shifting and untrustworthy sands of human culture. Therefore we said, "Amen, amen", even when the narrative drifted further and further from scripture, because our LC culture dictated that we be "one" with the ML, even if the ML deviated significantly from scripture, morality, and common sense.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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