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Old 02-02-2015, 10:47 AM   #191
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Sorry. I was not trying to suggest that their God is ultimately not the same God that we all are seeking to serve. But their understanding of what that means is sometimes so out of sync with even the plain words that you have to wonder sometimes if Justyn M (the main moderator on another forum) is not correct to suggest that the trinity in which Jesus is now the Spirit is teaching a "different Jesus."

I do not argue that as a point against them being Christian, but to say that their theology is egregiously flawed. If they were a group that still taught righteousness and sanctification in a way that reflects Peter's "we have all things for godliness" kind of way, then I could overlook more of their theological flaws. But since theology is essentially taught as trumping any kind of practical holiness or works in any way, the theology is laid bare and useless.

In short, are the things they attribute to God really of God? If not, then do they really know who they are talking about? I would agree that they are trying to talk about the same God. But they are horribly mistaken on many issues even though I actually think they are talking about the same God. They have not gone so far astray that what they say would be blaspheme. But you have to wonder if God is scratching his head at times.

As for the zeal that Ohio mentions, was our zeal for Christ what we brought? Was that slowly replaced by a zeal for The Unique Net Testament Ministry, the "church life," the MOTA, and so forth? I get the notion from some of the posts that for the last 15 to 20 years (if not much longer) the takeover of the church by the LSM to make them "ministry station churches" has squeezed the zeal of of so many.

Everything wonderful is not related to living, but to meeting. The only positive thing about someone is how they are so much "for the church and for the saints." (This was the substance of so many testimonies that I heard at a funeral several years ago.)
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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