Originally Posted by Indiana
Having deviated from their original course, leaders in this renegade movement have moved away from Christ alone to a systematized church life featuring a man and a ministry, having changed the nature of “the recovery’ in the process.
Although I appreciate your strong and straightforward calling out of the leaders of the LC movement, I must make one point perfectly clear.
It is dangerous and misleading to speak or think of the movement Nee and Lee started as the thing we considered "the recovery" while in it. That idea must be buried, for it is the very belief in it and that they are it that emboldens the people of that movement to continue to do everything in their power to continue it no matter who they hurt. The fanatical belief that they are on the cutting edge of "God's move" is the very root of the mindset that makes them so unreasonable. This is why all of us must abandon the notion that the LC was any thing special apart from the rest of God's people. It was simply a movement, a movement in which God was present, sometimes strongly, but no more than he is capable of being present in any gathering of his devoted followers at any time and place.
There was and is no "God's recovery" in the sense the LC defined it. God has always been working to bring any and all people to live according to his intent. This working is more commonly called salvation, leading, guidance, the outworking of his purpose. The idea that there is a special "thread" of movement, over and above his general working in the world and church at large is not supportable scripturally and is again just fuel on the fire of the remnant mentality of the LC members--the same mentality which make them so unreasonable, unreachable and so capable of running over anyone who gets in their way.
This is a plea to everyone. DROP IT PLEASE. Thank you.